Solar drying is an excellent way to preserve food and its technology supports creating of a sustainable world. This blog is dedicated to every one who is interested in solar drying development and related issues. Any comment and suggestion are welcome. Enjoy _________________________________________________________________________________________________

From Solar World Congress 2007- Beijing

International Solar Energy Society and the Chinese Solar Energy Society were recently organizing and hosting the ISES Solar World Congress 2007 (SWC2007) in Beijing, China, from September 18 to 21, 2007. This was hold after the Solar World Congresses 2003 (SWC2003) in Gothenburg, Sweden and 2005 (SWC2005) in Orlando, USA. This is time also the celebration of the 50th anniversary of ISES.

I was lucky to get opportunity to attend the congress, and I was the only participant from Indonesia, wow. I presented a paper (with oral presentation) in the topic of solar drying for agricultural products.